Agile Transformation

Coaches and trainers work together to guide the transformation from inception to completion using the Path to Agility.

Agile Notion focuses on helping to optimize your entire organization with the latest research into organizational effectiveness and innovative management practices.  Our experienced transformation consultants help to define a strategy, organizational design, roll-out plan, and tool and framework selection tailored to your specific organizational and business needs. We specialize in partnering with senior leaders from across the organization, including IT, Business, Finance, HR, Sales, and Marketing to form a guiding coalition that optimizes the entire enterprise. We help to address some of the largest challenges that organizations face when trying to scale Agile and DevOps: changing funding and budgeting models, aligning strategic planning cycles, and implementing Lean portfolio management. When you are ready to move beyond training and coaching development teams and want to apply Agile and Lean across your entire organization, Agile Notion is the partner you need.